
Books you need

Rancière, Jacques. 2006. The politics of aesthetics : the distribution of the sensible. Pbk. ed. London; New York: Continuum.

Articles you need

Büchler, Pavel. 2005. “Making Nothing Happen: Notes for a Seminar1.” Visualizing Anthropology: 152-167.[buchler2004]

Grimshaw, Anna. 2005. “Reconfiguring the Ground: Art and the Visualization of Anthropoogy.” In Anthropologies of Art, edited by Mariet Westermann, 195–220. Clark Art Institute.[grimshaw2005]

Marcus, George and Erkan Saka, “Assemblage,” Theory Culture Society 23, no. 2-3 (May 1, 2006): 101-106. [marcus-saka2006.pdf]

Porcello, Thomas, Louise Meintjes, Ana Maria Ochoa, and David W. Samuels. 2010. “The Reorganization of the Sensory World.” Annual Review of Anthropology 39: 51–66. [porcello_etal2010]

Schneider, Arnd. “Three modes of experimentation with art and ethnography.,” Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 14, no. 1 (March 2008): 171-194. [schneider2008.pdf].

Michael Taussig, “The Diary as Witness: An anthropologist writes what he must,” The Chronicle Review, 2003. [taussig2003.pdf]

Taylor, Lucien. 1996. “Iconophobia.” Transition (69): 64–88. [taylor1996]


Clifford, James. 1981. On ethnographic surrealism. Comparative Studies in Society and History 23, no. 4: 539-564. linked download.

Clifford, James. 1991. Documents: A decomposition. Visual Anthropology Review 7, no. 1: 62-83.  download: clifford1991.