Workshop with Univ. Manchester Anthropologist Rupert Cox

2016_cox-poster-letter-sizeDr Rupert Cox (Granada Centre for Visual Anthropology, University of Manchester) is a leading figure in visual anthropology with an impressive commitment to formal experimentation and art-making as ethnographic practice. Join us at noon on Tuesday, November 22nd for an engaging event where he will play his most recent collaborative work (with Angus Carlyle), The Mouth of the Cave and the Giant Voice.

Screening and Workshop
Noon on Tuesday, November 22, 2016
SAC Building 4.120 University of Texas at Austin
This event is free and open to the public. Food and refreshments provided

The Mouth of the Cave and the Giant Voice is an experimental stereo channel sound film that uses field recordings to explore the evidential value of oral testimony and documentary images in the particular spaces of the Okinawan environment where memories of the Pacific war are stirred up by the sounds made by the activities of US military bases on the island. As such it explores ‘new approaches to environmental recording and soundscape composition’.

Presented by the Intermedia Workshop with support from the Department of Anthropology (University of Texas at Austin)

 Download: 2016_cox-poster-letter-size.pdf


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