Final Meeting of the Year (Nov. 13) IN-PERSON

Candi and I will be in-person at the butterlfy garden and hope you join us there. For those that can’t here’s the Zoom Link
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Meeting ID: 919 7108 6702
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Meeting ID: 919 7108 6702

Final meeting of the year this Saturday (NOV. 13)
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
We’ll be meeting in the new butterfly garden at Govalle Elementary, outside and spaced apart. We can’t wait to meet everyone again face-to-face.
Only two items on the agenda…
AISD would like to hear your thoughts on programming and facilities as they determine their long-range bond planning focusing on the east side. If you’re here for the long haul, come give your feedback on what kind of classes and facilities you’d like to see.
2) Pecan Grove Update (1129 Tillery)
We’ll be hearing from the non-profit (Live + Make) that will be preserving the pecan grove and building affordable housing in the empty field next to the pecan grove.